: Site Map
- net.mind
- Advice
- Code
- Angle between three points (2D)
- Animating with Ease In/Out
- Calculating the area of an SVG Path or Polygon
- Convert SVG Path to All-Absolute Commands
- Count Photoshop Layers
- Damped Spring Oscillations in JavaScript
- Death to hasOwnProperty
- Filename without extension in Ruby
- Insights into Ruby from Lua
- Lazy Cartesian Product
- Round to Nearest via Modulus Division
- Slow file reads on Win/Ruby 1.9
- Symbol#to_proc with multiple arguments
- tap vs. each_with_object
- Top-down Ruby Scripts
- é is not é
- Concepts
- Musings
- Random Notes
- Rants
- User Experience
- Visuals
- WebShop
- DRb as a server for long-running web processes
- Effects of gzip_comp_level on HTML
- Fetching GZipped Web Server Contents
- Fewer Lambdas in D3.js
- getBoundingClientRect is lame (for SVG elements)
- Headers per date in Haml
- Hiding Database Query Strings
- Hierarchy of Objects with Sequel's many_to_many
- IEMac, POSTed Forms, and Redirects
- IE Over-Caching Information
- jQuery Bind Delayed Get
- Nginx as Reverse Proxy and Cache for Thin/Sinatra
- Scripting Resources
- Simple JS Interpretter
- Simplest Possible Ruby Web Server
- Syntax Highlighting of Markdown Fenced Code Blocks
- Traversing a Directed Graph
- Who Caught Me?
- Building Thin on Win/Ruby 1.9.2
- IE8 Compatibility View & Intranets