Class | TagTreeScanner::TagFactory |
In: |
Parent: | Object |
A TagFactory holds the information about a specific kind of tag:
See the documentation about the @tag_genres hash inside the TagTreeScanner class for information on how to add factories for use.
Occasionally you will want to create a tag and allow no other tags inside it. An example might be a tag containing preformatted code.
Rather than opening the tag and slowly spinning through all the text, the combination of the :autoclose and :setup options allow you to create the tag, fill it with content, and then immediately continute with the parent tag.
See the new method for how to use the :setup function, and an example usage.
allowed_genre | [RW] | A symbol with the genre of tags that are allowed inside the tag. (See @tag_genres in the TagTreeScanner documentation.) |
allows_text | [RW] | May tags created by this factory have text added to them? |
autoclose | [RW] | Should this tag stay open when created, or automatically close? |
close_match | [RW] | The regexp which causes the tag to automatically close. |
close_requires_bol | [RW] | Does the open_match regexp require beginning of line? |
open_match | [RW] | A regexp to match (and consume) that causes a new tag to be started. |
open_requires_bol | [RW] | Does the open_match regexp require beginning of line? |
tag_name | [RW] | The type of tag this factory produces. |
tag_name: | A symbol with the name of the tag to create |
options: | A hash including one or more of :open_match, |
:open_requires_bol, :close_match, :close_requires_bol, :autoclose, :allows_text, :allowed_genre, and :setup.
Due to the way the StringScanner class works, placing a ^ (beginning of line) marker in your :open_match or :close_match regular expressions will not behave as desired. Instead, set the :open_requires_bol and/or :close_requires_bol properties to true if desired.
A factory should either be set to :autoclose => true, or supply a :close_match. (Otherwise, it will never close.)
Further, a factory should either be set to :autoclose => true or specify an :allowed_genre. (See below for how to efficiently create a tag that cannot contain other tags.)
The :setup option is used to run code during the tag creation. The value of this option should be a lambda/Proc that accepts three parameters:
# Shove URLs as HTML anchors, without the protocol prefix shown @tag_genres[ :inline ] << :a, :open_match => %r{http://(\S+)}, :setup => lambda{ |tag, ss, tagtree| tag.attributes[ :href ] = ss[0] tag << ss[1] }, :autoclose => true )