module ObjectSpace

The ObjectSpace module contains a number of routines that interact with the garbage collection facility and allow you to traverse all living objects with an iterator.

ObjectSpace also provides support for object finalizers, procs that will be called when a specific object is about to be destroyed by garbage collection.

include ObjectSpace a = "A" b = "B" c = "C" define_finalizer(a, proc {|id| puts "Finalizer one on #{id}" }) define_finalizer(a, proc {|id| puts "Finalizer two on #{id}" }) define_finalizer(b, proc {|id| puts "Finalizer three on #{id}" })


Finalizer three on 537767360 Finalizer one on 537767510 Finalizer two on 537767510

module methods

ObjectSpace._id2ref( anId ) → anObject
Converts an object id to a reference to the object. May not be called on an object id passed as a parameter to a finalizer.
s = "I am a string" "I am a string" r = ObjectSpace._id2ref( "I am a string" r == s true
ObjectSpace.define_finalizer( anObject, aProc=proc() )
Adds aProc as a finalizer, to be called when anObject is about to be destroyed.
ObjectSpace.each_object( [ aClassOrMod] ) {| anObj | block } → aFixnum
Calls the block once for each living, nonimmediate object in this Ruby process. If aClassOrMod is specified, calls the block for only those classes or modules that match (or are a subclass of) aClassOrMod. Returns the number of objects found.
a = 102.7 b = 95 ObjectSpace.each_object(Numeric) {|x| p x } print "Total count: ", ObjectSpace.each_object {} ,"\n"


102.7 2.718281828 3.141592654 Total count: 372
ObjectSpace.garbage_collect → nil
Initiates garbage collection (see module GC).
ObjectSpace.undefine_finalizer( anObject )
Removes all finalizers for anObject.
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