ValidForm::Option (Class)

In: ValidForm.rb
Parent: Object

A specific option present in an ::OptionSet, ::RadioSet, or ::CheckboxSet. Note that Options should not be added directly to a ValidForm. Instead, ::Container#add_fields should be used to add options to an option set, and that set should be added to the form.


field_tohtml   new  


chosen  [RW]  A boolean value indicating whether or not this option is chosen.
optionSet  [RW]  Indicates an ::OptionSet that this option is associated with. (This field is set automatically when ::Container#add_fields is called)

Public Class methods

id:The unique identifier for this option. [reqd]
value:The initial String value for the option. [reqd]
label:The human-friendly label for the option.
attributes:A Hash of various custom attributes to be associated with the option.

Passing the Symbol/value pair :chosen=>true in the attributes collection will set the chosen attribute for this option (and will then remove it from the attributes Hash).

See ::OptionSet#new for an example creating an ::Option.

Public Instance methods

Returns an HTML representation of the field itself. See also ::Field#to_html.
