DescribeMethods (Module)

In: DescribeMethods.rb

This module provides a describe_method method on the class into which it is included. It provides a way to formally describe the public instance methods of the class, and later exlore those descriptions through the method_description and method_descriptions methods.

Methods can be described before or after they are created. (In truth, no checking is done to ensure that the method name exists in the class.)

Example usage:

 require 'DescribeMethods'

 class MyClass
   include DescribeMethods

   def echo_out( msg, repeats, say_done=false )
       repeats.times{ puts msg }
       puts "all done" if say_done

    describe_method( :echo_out, "Echo String", "Print a string a number of times", nil,
     :msg, :string, "The string to output" ),
     :repeats, :integer, "The number of times to print the string" ),
     :say_done, :boolean, "Output 'all done' when done?", false, false )

 puts MyClass.method_description[ :echo_out ]

 #=>  Method Name: MyClass#echo_out
 #=> Display Name: Echo String
 #=>  Description: Print a string a number of times
 #=>      Returns: (unknown)
 #=>    Arguments:
 #=>           msg             string          The string to output
 #=>           repeats         integer         The number of times to print the string
 #=>           say_done        boolean         (optional) Output 'all done' when done?

See the Method::Description class for accessor information on the items stored in method_descriptions.

The Method::Arg class uses describe_method to describe its own constructor:

 puts Method::Arg.method_description[ :new ]

 #=>  Method Name: Method::Arg#new
 #=> Display Name: New
 #=>  Description: Creates a new method argument
 #=>      Returns: (unknown)
 #=>    Arguments:
 #=>           name            symbol          A name for the argument
 #=>           type            symbol          The type of the argument (or nil if it may vary)
 #=>           description     string          (optional) An extended description of the argument
 #=>           required        boolean         (optional) Is this argument required?
 #=>           default_value   (varies)        (optional) A default value to suggest for the argument
 #=>           min             (varies)        (optional) A minimum value (matching argument type)
 #=>           max             (varies)        (optional) A maximum value (matching argument type)
 #=>           values          array           (optional) A list of legal values (for arguments of type "list")

Public Class methods

Hook up class methods whether by include or extend

Hook up class methods whether by include or extend

Returns a hash of all methods described, where the method name (as symbol) is the key to its Method::Description instance. Example usage:

 puts MyClass.method_description[ :some_method ]

Returns an (unsorted) array of all methods described for this class

Returns an array of all methods described for this class
