 * call-seq:
 *    res[ n ]
 * Returns the tuple (row) corresponding to _n_. Returns +nil+ if <tt>_n_ >= res.num_tuples</tt>.
 * Equivalent to <tt>res.result[n]</tt>.
static VALUE
pgresult_aref(argc, argv, obj)
  int argc;
  VALUE *argv;
  VALUE obj;
  PGresult *result;
  VALUE a1, a2, val;
  int i, j, nf, nt;

  result = get_pgresult(obj);
  nt = PQntuples(result);
  nf = PQnfields(result);
  switch (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &a1, &a2)) {
    case 1:
    i = NUM2INT(a1);
  if( i >= nt ) return Qnil;

    val = rb_ary_new();
    for (j=0; j<nf; j++) {
      VALUE value = fetch_pgresult(result, i, j);
      rb_ary_push(val, value);
    return val;

    case 2:
    i = NUM2INT(a1);
  if( i >= nt ) return Qnil;
    j = NUM2INT(a2);
  if( j >= nf ) return Qnil;
    return fetch_pgresult(result, i, j);

    return Qnil;    /* not reached */