String.replace( searchExpr, replaceExpr ) in ECMAScript Core

Find and replace values in a string, and return the changed string.


searchExprObjectEither a literal String or Regular Expression to search for. 
replaceExprObjectEither a String value to replace each found instance with, or a function which returns a String to replace each found instance with (see below)  
Return Type


If searchExpr is a string, a case-sensitive search is performed, and only the first match found is replaced. To make a case-insensitive replacement or global replacement, use a regular expression for the search expression.

var sentence = "The quick brown fox and the duck jump over the lazy dog.";
var oneReplaced = sentence.replace( 'the' , '**the**' );
var allReplaced = sentence.replace( /the/gi , '**the**' );
// ** oneReplaced is "The quick brown fox and **the** duck jump over the lazy dog."
// ** allReplaced is "**the** quick brown fox and **the** duck jump over **the** lazy dog."

When searchExpr is a regular expression and replaceExpr is a string, the following substrings have special meaning:

The entire matched substring.
The portion of the original string that precedes the matched substring.
The portion of the original string that follows the matched substring
The nth captured subexpression, where n is a single digit and $n is not followed by another digit.
The nnth captured subexpression, where nn is a two-digit number.
Replace with a literal "$"
var sentence = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.";
var blankouts = sentence.replace( /\b([a-z])[a-z]+/gi , '$1****' );
// ** alternatedBlankouts is "T**** q**** b**** f**** j**** o**** t**** l**** d****."

If replaceExpr is a function, it will be passed the following arguments, in order:

var sourceString = "It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine.";
function SwapCharacterPairs(str,sub1,sub2,index,srcString){
    return sub2+sub1;
var newString = sourceString.replace( /(.)(.)/g , SwapCharacterPairs );
// ** newString is "tIs't ehe dno  fht eowlr dsaw  enkwoi ,ta dnI f ee lifen.";
var prices = "Items cost stuff. Candy: $.50; Glasses: $3.75; 500 pages: $4.99";
var priceRE = /\$(\d*(\.\d{2})?)/g;
function IncreasePrice(str,price){
    // all the extra parameters that we don't need are ignored
    return '$'+Math.round(price*1.66*100)/100;
var newPrices = prices.replace(priceRE,IncreasePrice);
// ** newPrices is "Items cost stuff. Candy: $0.83; Glasses: $6.23; 500 pages: $8.28"