 * call-seq:
 *    res.value_byname( tup_num, field_name )
 * Returns the value in tuple number <i>tup_num</i>, for the field named <i>field_name</i>.
 * Equivalent to (but faster than) either of:
 *    res.result[tup_num][res.fieldnum(field_name)]
 *    res.value( tup_num, res.fieldnum(field_name) )
 * <i>(This method internally calls PGresult#value in a manner like the second example above; it is slower than using the field index directly.)</i>
static VALUE
pgresult_getvalue_byname(obj, tup_num, field_name)
  VALUE obj, tup_num, field_name;
  return pgresult_getvalue(obj, tup_num, pgresult_fieldnum(obj, field_name) );