
Path: OWLScribble.rb
Last Update: Mon Jul 04 17:08:04 MDT 2005

This file covers the OWLScribble class, and extensions to the String class needed by it. Please see the documentation on those classes for more information.

See the ../markup.html file for details on the OWLScribble markup.

Author:Gavin Kistner (!@phrogz.net)
Copyright:Copyright ©2005 Gavin Kistner
License:See Phrogz.net/JS/_ReuseLicense.txt for details
Version:0.8 (2005-July-4)
Full Code:../OWLScribble.rb


  • Speed optimizations, once it’s feature-complete
  • Process indented paragraphs like lists, just to calculate minimal depth from many spaces
  • Inline commands for <br>? Some auto-br inclusion?
  • More unit tests

Required files

TagTreeScanner.rb   uri  
